Register today for the 14th World Chambers Congress (14WCC)

The World Chambers Congress is the largest and only international forum that enables chamber leaders and professionals to share best practices, exchange insights, develop networks, address the latest business issues affecting their communities, and learn about new areas of innovation from chambers around the world.

Register now to join global leaders in Melbourne, Australia from 2-4 September 2025.

Delegates Tickets – Three days

Super Saver Early Bird
28 February 2025

Early Bird
31 May 2025
31 August 2025
Delegate Non-MemberAUD 1,166.00AUD 1,254.00AUD 1,683.00
ICC/VCCI/CACCI MemberAUD 1,166.00AUD 1,254.00AUD 1,413.50
Not for ProfitAUD 1,166.00AUD 1,254.00AUD 1,413.50
Least Developed CountriesAUD 1,028.50AUD 1,028.50AUD 1,028.50
Student three-day ticket (Australian Residents only)AUD 555.50AUD 555.50AUD 555.50

All tickets are listed in Australian Dollars (AUD) and inclusive of 10% GST Tax (Goods and Services Tax).

All payments are to be made in Australian Dollars (AUD). Please refer to this conversion table to see the ticket amount in your local currency.

To find out if you qualify as a Least Developed Countries (LDC), please refer to the UN official LDC list.


The three-day ticket includes access to the full program in the plenary and parallel sessions and the Welcome Reception, with the exception of the Student ticket for Australian residents only, which does not include the Welcome Reception.

The 14WCC Gala Dinner and World Chambers Competition Awards Ceremony is not included as part of the three-day Congress ticket and can be purchased separately via the 14WCC registration platform. Please note that this is a separate fixed ticket amount and available for purchase for 18 years of age and over.

Accommodation, travel arrangements, and visas are also not included, and are the responsibility of each delegate to manage and book.

For registration, accommodation and visa enquiries, please contact the support help-desk via email 14wccsupport@icmsaust.com.au or call +61 3 9682 0500.


Member ticket pricing:

ICC, VCCI and CACCI members can benefit from a reduced registration price with a special code. To receive this special code please contact us below:

       (Discount codes are not cumulative)

Group registration amount:

  • Member and Non-Members: 1 free registration for every 10 paying registrations per location.
  • LDC Delegate: 1 free registration for every 5 paying registrations per location.

Please note that the Gala Dinner and World Chambers Competition Awards Ceremony is a separate fixed ticket amount.

For any group registration enquiries, please contact us here.

One-Day ticket amounts for Australian Residents only

One-Day TicketsStandard
Standard (Australian Residents only)AUD 808.50
Student (Australian Residents only)AUD 225.50

All ticket amounts are listed in Australian Dollars (AUD) and include 10% GST Tax.

One Day Tickets are open to Australian Residents only.

Excludes the Welcome Reception and Gala Dinner.

Please note:
  • All ticket selection will be verified.
  • Should you select an ineligible ticket you will automatically be switched to the applicable Standard registration rate and the outstanding balance will be required prior to the completion of a successful registration.
  • Delegates will receive an official letter of invitation that can be used for the Visa application process once payment has been received in full and registration successful.
  • 14WCC will be an in-person Congress with all sessions in English only.

International Geneva Welcome Centre (CAGI) Accommodation support in Geneva

13WCC and the host organisation in Geneva, the Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services, are offering special accommodation for delegates from Least Developed Countries, Low Income CountriesLower Middle Income Countries and Territories, and Upper Middle Income Countries and Territories.

If you are a representative of a Chambers of Commerce or of a business association (ie. employee or board member) and come from a LDC country or LMIC countrythe International Geneva Welcome Centre may provide support to facilitate and reduce the cost of your hotel accommodation. Please note that group requests will not be accepted.

For more information, please refer to the Conditions of Allocation and General Booking Conditions.

Allocation on a first come first serve basis. Deadline for submissions 19 May 2023

  • All ticket selection will be verified.
  • Should you select an ineligible ticket you will automatically be switched to the applicable Standard registration rate and the outstanding balance will be required prior to the completion of a successful registration.
  • Delegates will receive an official letter of invitation that can be used for the Visa application process once payment has been received in full and registration successful.
  • 14WCC will be an in-person Congress with all sessions in English only.

Three-Day Ticket Entitlements:

  • Access to all Congress sessions across 2 – 4 September 2025.
  • Ticket to the Welcome Reception on 2 September 2025, with the exception of the Australian Residents Student ticket.
  • Daily Congress catering.
  • Access to the Exhibition.
  • Delegate materials.
  • Opportunity to purchase a ticket to the Gala Dinner and World Chambers Competition Awards held on 4 September 2025. Please note that this is a separate fixed ticket amount and available for purchase for 18 years of age and over.


One-Day Ticket Entitlements:

  • Access to Congress sessions on your chosen day.
  • Congress catering on your chosen day.
  • Access to the Exhibition on your chosen day.
  • Delegate materials.
  • Opportunity to purchase a ticket to the Welcome Reception on 2 September 2025. Please note that this is a separate fixed ticket amount and available for purchase for 18 years of age and over.
  • Opportunity to purchase a ticket to the Gala Dinner and World Chambers Competition Awards held on 4 September 2025. Please note that this is a separate fixed ticket amount and available for purchase for 18 years of age and over.

Click here to download the Terms and Conditions for registrations.

The Organisers aim at encouraging and strengthening relations among chambers from around the world and promoting the share of best international trade practices. In a climate of open exchange across borders, the Organisers are committed to providing a professional, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical appearance, national origin and belief. The Organisers are non-political organisations and any political demonstration is strictly prohibited during the Congress.

The present Code of Conduct outlines expectations for all participants, including Delegates, in the 14WCC.

1. Applicability

This Code of Conduct is applicable to all Delegates of the 14WCC. For the avoidance of doubt, this extends to Delegates, partners, speakers, attendees, volunteers, sponsors, exhibitors, competitors, staff and anyone else present at the Congress.

Delegates should conduct themselves at all times in a manner that comports with both the letter and spirit of this Code of Conduct during the Congress, throughout plenary sessions, workshops, competitions, exhibition area, receptions, cocktails, talks, hallways conversations and any related event.

This includes statements made in social media postings, online publications, text messages and all other forms of electronic communication related to the 14WCC.

2. Expected behavior

All delegates are expected to conduct themselves in a professional, respectful and responsible manner at all times, and observe the following expected standards of behavior:

  • Treat everyone with respect and consideration;
  • Communicate openly and thoughtfully with others, be considerate of the multitude of views and opinions;
  • Be respectful in discussing and debating ideas;
  • Follow the rules and policies of the venue;
  • Respect the property of the Congress venue;
  • Respect the social events venues and any other facilities used;
  • Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants;
  • Alert hotel/venue security if you notice a dangerous situation or someone in distress. 
3. Prohibited conducts

The Organisers are committed to creating an environment where everyone can participate without harassment, discrimination, or violence of any kind.

Unacceptable behaviour includes, but is not limited to:

  • Threatening, intimidating, humiliating, demeaning speech or hostile acts directed at a particular group or an individual because of, for example, their sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity or religion;
  • Any action, discrimination or language meant as comments, jokes, slurs related to gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, socioeconomic status, age, appearance or religion that coerce others, foment broad hostility, or undermine professional equity;
  • Deliberate intimidation, stalking or following;
  • Harassing photography or recording;
  • Persistent and unwelcome solicitation of emotional or physical intimacy;
  • Sustained or disrespectful disruption of plenary sessions, workshops, competitions, talks or any other related events;
  • Physical assault, real or implied threat of physical harm;
  • Sexual harassment including, but not limited to:

–  any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, as unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances or propositions,
 –  uninvited and unwelcome touching of an individual’s body,
–  sexually degrading words used to describe an individual;

  • Alcohol and illicit drug consumption is not permitted during the Congress in any sessions, including the plenary, competition, catering area and workshop sessions. Excessive alcohol consumption at the social functions should be avoided and venue management will enforce responsible service of alcohol practices and procedures;
  • Anything that is dangerous, noxious, noisome, offensive, illegal, immoral, noisy or is likely to harm the reputation of the Organisers or Congress venues;
  • Bring onto or remove from the Congress venues anything which is likely to damage the Congress venues or the property of any person or cause death or injury to any person in or around the conference venues;
  • Smoking is not permitted inside the Congress venues.
4. Consequences

Any Delegate not adhering to this Code of Conduct will be notified and is expected to stop any offending behaviour immediately. Any Delegate requested to stop unacceptable behaviour is expected to comply immediately.

The Organisers each reserves the right to take any action deemed necessary and appropriate, including refusing admittance to, or removing any person from, the 114WCC or any 14WCC hosted event (including future events) at any time in its sole discretion.

5. Complaint process

In the event of non-compliance with the terms of this Code of Conduct, then the person who is the target of possible prohibited conduct or any third party who has direct knowledge of the possible prohibited conduct (‘witness’) should promptly report to the Organisers and PCO staff and/or contact Aimee Welsh, ICC Project Manager (Aimee.WELSH@iccwbo.org).

Individual and Group Data Privacy Policy

For further information on how your data will be used, we invite you to carefully read the Data Protection and Privacy Policy:

The information requested in this form is collected by ICC and VCCI, data controllers, for the purposes of registration, organizing the event, using the web application, networking and complying with Australian law. Fields marked with asterisks are mandatory.

You have the right to access, rectify, erase, the right to portability of your personal data, the right to restrict and object the processing, by sending an email to dataprotection@iccwbo.org or writing to the International Chamber of Commerce, ICC DPO, 3343 avenue du Président Wilson 75116 Paris, France, along with a copy of an identity document (ID).

For further information about this processing, please visit the Data Privacy page.


Register before 31 May 2025 and save with discounted registration rates


Share your pioneering projects at the world’s largest economic forum for chambers and businesses


Competition submissions

Extended deadline:
7 April 2025


Super Saver Early Bird registration deadline:
28 February 2025

Early Bird registration deadline:
31 May 2025

Standard registration deadline:
31 August 2025